Friday, January 9, 2009

9 days into the New Year

So far this year has been quite eventful and we are only 9 days in....Paul has not been working very much because of the weather and the economy but....the good thing is that I am a Government employee and pretty much recession proof. I am truly thankful for that.
Paul has been using his spare time to catch up on some of the projects around the house. This is a good thing because it keeps him busy but a bad thing because he is the ultimate time the tool man taylor! For example, on Tuesday he was using his grinder on one of his many project and caught the string from his jacket in the grinder. The grinder's spinning motion caused a severe rope burn and cut across his nose and face. It looks really bad and I am sure it is quite painful but in true Paul fashion, he just kept on going. Now if he gets a cold that a whole nother story...hahah

Also during this time off, Paul has been spending lotsa of time with the puppy yep you guessed it...they are even more spoiled than ever.
So even though he is not working and has a banged up nose...Paul is actually doing quite well...we are hopeful that he will be getting work soon.

I have been extremely busy at work....much more than usual because of the administration change. Each day is a challenge but I remind myself that i really do have a great job and that change is not always a bad thing. Until I can fully accept/conform...I would however, hide all sharp objects...hahaha

The puppy children are doing well. Burger is still creeping along and even manages to play for short burst. She is truly a miracle and pray that she is with for a long as possible.

Simon is a spoiled as ever and is enjoying his little sister. She annoys him but I think he secretly likes it. They are inseparable. too cute!
Shelby has learned to bark and growl..too funny! She has not figured out that the dog in the dishwasher, stove, front window or any shiny object is her and takes great offense to it barking at her. This provides us with hours of entertainment.

So in sum with 9 days gone in 2009...we have had a few setbacks but are confident that with the right attitude and positive outlook we will have a great 2009.

Love to all

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